Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The School of Missed Posts!

Howdy folks, long time no see!  First off I want to apologize for missing last week's post AND yesterday's post.  It was bound to happen eventually, so now we've got the off schedule bug out of my system.  Today's post will be a brief recap of the last couple weeks, paired with a little bit of anticipation for the next couple of weeks!

Most of my hobby time has been taken up by school exploration (hooray for going back to grad school as a non-traditional student!) but I have managed to get some paint on a few things.  Some steam arachnids have slowly approached tabletop quality and more layers have gone onto my mechanical rider (the true brains behind the operation).  Willie and Joss have also gotten closer to painted, bringing my painted M&SU count even higher.  I've been having a great time experimenting with skin tones and techniques and I cannot recommend experimenting outside of your comfort zone  highly enough!

I also painted up a mini for a game of Through the Breach (that I tried out just after the last post).  I'll talk more about the game in the gaming section, the mini was a blast to paint!  It was from the multipart male kit and I think that that kit is a wonderful tool for anyone getting into the RPG

This week's major project is to finally get a real photo booth/tent set up so I can post some better photos for everyone.  I have about 70% of the materials, but since this is a project that benefits the site aaaaaaand my wife's Etsy store it may be a little easier to justify.  I'll forego pictures this week to build some anticipation for next week (and shame myself into being ready for next week.

I played two games of Malifaux and one game of Through the Breach during my absence from the blog.  All three of the games were terrific!  I won't do a full batrep for time, but here's a quick summary:
Game 1 was a 35 Soulstone game with Reconnoiter, Bodyguard, Murder Protoge, Protect Territory, Make Them Suffer and Line in the Sand with Standard deployment.  I took Protect Territory revealed and bodyguard on Mechanical Rider.  I tried Ramos out for the first time and was not disappointed!  I think he will be my first compliment to Ironsides.  For as good as Ironsides is in a clumped up situation, Ramos can spread out across the board without a care in the world.  My opponent played an elite Sonnia Crew and we called the game at the end of 4 because of the shear number of spiders earning me points.
Game 2 was a 50 Soulstone Game with Squatter's Rights, Protect Territory, Spring the Trap, Bodyguard, Outflank and A Line in the Sand with Flank deployment.  I took Ramos again and used the plethora of scheme marker schemes to bluff my opponent (who was playing Leviticus).  I chose outflank and unannounced line in the sand.  Mechanical Rider with Imbued protection gave a strong signal toward Bodyguard, and defensive models dropping markers faked protect territory.  My miners did a great job of halfway setting up spring the trap as well.  I was proud of my ability to approach the game sideways and send spiders in to tie up a first turn Killjoy, while letting Leviticus downright delete a model or two a turn.  I wound up winning by getting ahead on squat markers and focussing on my schemes.
Game 3 was Through the Breach, and I think a mix of mechanics, a super skilled fatemaster (that gets me a free reflip at some point right?), and a great setting made this one of my favorite RPG systems that I have played for a while!  After some stutter steps in the character creation process I've found a good groove for my character to match and I look forward to playing another game tonight!

The last little bit of gaming news is pretty exciting. Is managing another season of Tale of Malifaux Bloggers!  This is a way for people to keep themselves on track (kind of like how I've been using the blog) and encourages getting a new crew painted and on the table.  I plan on picking up Rasputina's box set in the near future (at one of my FLGS's Drawbridge Games).  I look forward to adding updates to this set of games, and will be doing so outside of my normal posting schedule, so keep an eye out!

Thanks again for reading folks!  If you have any questions feel free to contact me at, tweet to @KFinchster, or just leave a comment below!  I always appreciate any criticism or encouragement and I'll apologize for the missed post one last time!

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