Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Rotten Flowers of Malifaux City

Howdy folks!  This was an amazing week for the hobby!  We had the announcement of the new Nythera global campaign, I managed to get a fair amount of hobby and painting in, I even got a great game in at one of my FLGS's!  That was a lot of exclamation points, but stream of consciousness writing demands it.  There are some great things on the horizon for my meta.  The Nythera global campaign is going to set a sense of urgency to most of my general pick up games, the regular Shifting Loyalties campaign options are opening a lot of cool things for some tied in games, and one of my local stores is planning a tournament soon(TM).


I assembled a bunch of miniatures and set them straight into my "to prime" box.  The weather was super friendly, so I got a chance to spray prime a large number of models.  I spent a little more time painting Howard Langston, and really enjoyed putting paint on this mini.  The body portion really leant itself to being painted, the texture was great, there weren't too many spots that were hard to reach, and it was pretty clear what parts should be painted in what colors.  Once I painted Howard I had an itch to keep the spider train rolling, so i cranked out six more steampunk arachnids.  If I ever go down the sneaky path that is Summoner Ramos, I intend to be prepared.

Arachnophobia much?

Stay Away, I'm covered in BEEEEEEES


I got another game in this week!  I had an absolute blast playing my local Rezzer.  We were both signed up for the Nythera Event, so we decided to make the game count for that.  He was the defender, and I was the attacker for (drumroll please) Nythera itself!  We set up terrain, he declared Rezzers, and I declared Arcanists.  Our strats and schemes were Stake a Claim, Line in the Sand, Power Ritual, Plant Explosives, Protect Territory, and Breakthrough.  We had standard deployment and I immediately went to my binder to figure out a list.

I was afraid of what kind of conditions a Rezzer could throw at me, so I knew I would need some sort of condition removal.  Rezzers hate burning, so I knew I would need access to that condition.  I intended to play fairly scheme heavy, so I needed some scheme marker shenanigans.  Mech Rider and and declared power ritual seemed pretty strong.  I tried to bluff plant explosives with Willie and one undeclared scheme, which I wound up choosing breakthrough for.  Here was the final list.

The first turn went pretty straightforward.  We both dropped scheme markers in corners and moved some guys forward.  Seamus jumped to chase some of my scheme runners on the right, and some Rotten Belles attempted to tempt my miners.  A bystander mentioned "That's what you get for tempting a Miner" to which another witty bystander noted "No, 10-20 is what you get for tempting a Minor!"  insert Statler and Waldorf laugh.

Run all over the place!
Firestarter places a scheme marker for a Moleman, who proceeds to jam into Seamus's face.
The game got really close after that fun interaction (spoiler alert moles hate hedgeclippers) and I neglected to keep accurate photos throughout the match.  I got too carried away with little things like thinking about the game, and trying to win.  we had some awesome interactions and Seamus did what Seamus does.  Lots of close range shots to kill stuff, followed by summoned Belles and Doxies.  Eventually Seamus went for the assassination run on Ironsides from the third floor of a building in the middle of the board, but didn't quite finish the job.  As a result the Copycat Killer teleported to the third floor to try to finish the job.  He shot and missed, but that gun had one heck of a kick.  three stories later a tiny corpse with a smoking gun was all that was left of the Rezzer totem.

The game progressed and we wound up with a 3-5 loss for the Arcanists.  I'm still learning the flow of the game and the interactions, but I truly had a blast getting my butt handed to me.  Seamus really is a nasty customer, fortunately Ironsides is tough enough to take a shot or two and keep on punching.  I liked playing Ironsides, but was a little timid with her.  She would have been the perfect target for a Belle Bomb.  Belle pounces for 1, Ironsides punches back etc...  Overall the game was a great learning experience and I can't wait to progress the Arcanist cause with my next game!

His backfield
MVP Doxy
The center scrum.
Final Standing on his side.
Thanks again for reading folks!  I really appreciate all the feedback and support I've been getting for the blog.  This has been a great tool to keep me focused on the hobby, motivate me to play games, and expose me to the awesome community that plays Malifaux.  If you have any questions or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me in the comments here on the blog, at ToBeAnArcanist@Gmail.com, or on twitter @KFinchster.  Thanks again for reading, and I will see you all next week!

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