Monday, July 27, 2015

Arcanist Emergency!

Howdy Howdy folks!  I'm updating the blog a little bit early this week because I will be heading to GenCon so things may be a little crazy tomorrow.  Keeping in the theme of titles of Pokemon episodes, today's post reflects the trouble I put some Oxfordian Mages into while battling some Resurrectionist scum.  I failed to adequately command them and they wound up sliced to ribbons by a punk zombie (spoiler alert).  I made a lot of progress on my painting (I have you all to thank for that!) and have been spending a lot of time getting ready for GenCon.  I'll be volunteering for iello, so come by and say hi (and maybe buy a copy of King of Tokyo!)

Now, on to the good stuff.


This was a super productive week for my painting.  I managed to get all of the models from my Troubleshooters crew painted and I have made significant progress on my Union Miners.  I ran into an incredible amount of luck in the model acquisition department as well.  I managed to get my hands on a Johana model (to complete the Mr. and Mrs Hammer power couple) and a pink Malifaux child thanks to the great guys at Gadzooks Gaming.  They even threw in a few tokens!  On Thursday I played another game system at a local store called Drawbridge Games and the owner was kind enough to order a mechanical rider for me.  Friday involved a trip to another FLGS, Legions.  While there I discovered just how useful the Strats and Schemes deck was, so naturally I picked one up!


At Legions I managed to have an absolute blast!  First I watched a really tight game between Lilith and Seamus.  Seamus brought plenty of Belles and Crooked Men to combo lure and shafted!  Lilith had a Grow list that had a little bit of trouble growing.  Both players were great and reminded me of the good spirits the Malifaux community is known for (and Kirai wasn't even on the table!).

After sitting back and watching I decided to get into the thick of things.  The Rezzer player and myself decided to play a game of Henchman Hardcore.  I failed to see the handicap that Rezzers face with the format (with the total inability to summon), but I still believe he was just trying to give me as big of a leg up as possible.  He ran the Daimyo, a Belle, and two Punk Zombies while I ran the Captain and three Oxfordian Mages.  The mages ran a full suite of wards and the Captain had the runes and recharge soulstone (fun fact : that is not the upgrade you want against rezzers!).  The Game was great fun despite my numerous tactical, movement, and even mechanical errors (I'm still learning here!).  In the end I scored one point off of Turf War and three for assassinate before my opponent killed enough of my models to make future scoring impossible.  He placed his models much more intelligently and score more points off of turf war for the win.  The game was as educational as it was fun for me, and I look forward to playing this opponent in the future.

Thanks for reading and remember, I need all my Earthside readers to keep me honest with my painting goals!


  1. Nice! Your painting looks great to me! But in fairness I'm terribad so take with a grain of salt :-)

    Been running Marcus myself and finally getting the idea at least, but still need to execute it :-)

    1. Awesome keep at it! I hear canine remains are crazy with him.

  2. So how did you do the cobblestone bases?

    1. Plastruct makes styrene sheets of textured plasticard. I just used an old metal base insert as a template to size the 30 mm bases, a 30 mm base to size the 40mm bases etc. As far as the color goes I based it with a dark grey, washed it black, used a brighter blue tinted grey just on the actual cobbles, stippled a light grey and then washed it black again.

    2.'eq'&CCode=PS-81 Here is the product.
